Endurance Riding

Zaki Al Mudaweb

Zaki Al Mudaweb - Bahrain - Horse Rider
Zaki Al Mudaweb

What exactly is "link popularity" and why is it so important?

Link popularity (also known as reciprocal linking) is when other sites have created links back to your site. Link popularity is not only essential in driving traffic to your site, but is one of the main elements that Google uses in determining the value of your site. Link popularity works on the assumption that if other sites have links to your pages, then it follows that the search engines consider your site to be important. A search engine, particular Google, will give your site a high Page Rank (PR) based on the quality of links reciprocating to your site.

The more popular the site that links to you, the higher the ranking you achieve with the search engines. If a site that has a high Page Rank (PR) links to you, the search engine perceives that your site must also be popular. Thus, it is more important that the links come from quality sites than the quantity of links to your site. The ideal situation is to have a high quantity of quality sites linking to your site.

Zaki Al Mudaweb